These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Adult Literacy
2025 Directory of Programs
Project READ Literacy Network presents this directory in partnership with its associate organizations. Browse the directory to find out about adult literacy, employment, family literacy programs, ESL and online programs in Wellington and Waterloo counties.
Community Literacy of Ontario
CLO is a provincial literacy network of 100 community literacy agencies across Ontario. CLO provide many services to Ontario’s literacy community such as creating and sharing information via e-bulletins, newsletters, resource guides, our website, and via online and face-to-face training events.
Conestoga College Upgrading
Academic Upgrading is a tuition-free program that prepares adults for further college learning, apprenticeship or employment. Support topics include English and Essential Skills, science, math, computers, and learning how to learn.
Project Read
Kitchener-based support organization which shares information, coordinates local literacy planning and provides outreach for literacy services in Wellington and Waterloo regions.
Skills Upgrading
The Skills Upgrading Program from the Upper Grand District School Board helps adults build their Essential Skills in order to move on to employment, high school credits, apprenticeship, or post-secondary education. Programs run September to June.
Wellington County Learning Centre
WCLC provides Essential Skills training to adults in the County of Wellington. Other programs include Youth and Adult Literacy Program, Let's Get Real, Adult Small Group and the Circles Program.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / AR Family Literacy
Circle Time with Brenda Week #1
Welcome to Week 1 of Action Read's "virtual" circle time with Brenda MacDonald! This week’s theme is spring. Special thanks to the United Way of Guelph, Wellington, Dufferin, as well as The City of Guelph for supporting the Action Read Early Start Family Literacy Program. Please share with others and subscribe to Action Read’s channel for updates.
Circle Time with Brenda Week #2
Action Read's Brenda MacDonald once again leads children in songs and stories in week 2 of her "virtual" family literacy circle. This week’s theme is rain and rainbows - of course!
Circle Time with Brenda Week #3
Action Read's Brenda MacDonald leads children in more songs and stories in week 3 of her "virtual" family literacy circle. This week’s theme is something we're starting to think a lot about; flowers.
Circle Time with Brenda Week #4
Welcome back to Week 4 of Brenda’s “virtual” family literacy circle! This week’s theme is Mother's Day. Let’s continue to come together to learn, have fun and explore the world through books and storytelling.
Circle Time with Brenda Week #5
Brenda MacDonald is back with week 5 of her "virtual" family literacy circle. This week’s theme is bears!
Circle Time with Brenda Week #6
Brenda and Winnie are back with week 6 of her "virtual" family literacy circle. This week’s theme is 'jungle animals' (by special request of Winnie)!
Circle Time with Brenda Week #7
It's week 7 already of Brenda’s virtual family literacy circle! Explore the theme of "farm animals" through stories, songs, books, rhymes and language play.
Circle Time with Brenda Week #8
"By the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf..." Explore caterpillars and butterflies in week 8 of Brenda’s online family literacy circle. What could be more lovely on a warm spring day?! Welcome all.
Circle Time with Brenda Week #9
Travel to the sun and the moon in week 9 of Brenda’s online family literacy circle. Be sure to check out Winnie the dog dancing to 'Mr. Sun Sun, Mister Golden sun, please shine down on me'!
Circle Time with Brenda Week_#10
Welcome to week 10 of circle time. This week we celebrate Father's Day. Enjoy some of Brenda's favourite father-themed books. Happy reading, happy day!
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / AR Funders
Employment Ontario
EO offers a range of resources, supports and services to support the employment needs of individuals, and the skilled labour needs of employers. It also helps people obtain skill training and employment. Action Read is an Employment Ontario agency.
Guelph Community Foundation
Over the years, the GCF has provided Action Read with grants for many exciting projects. Then, in 2017, an anonymous donor generously created the “Action Read Community Literacy Centre of Guelph Fund” held at the GCF. Every year the original gift will generate interest and income that will be given back to Action Read! To contribute to the fund, please visit the Guelph Community Foundation's website.
Rotary Guelph Trillium
The Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium is a service and funding organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of others through local and international projects. They are an ongoing and stalwart supporter of Action Read.
The City of Guelph
Each year the City of Guelph allocates funding to not-for-profit organizations to support the work they do in improving community wellbeing. The City of Guelph supports Action Read's Early Start Family Literacy Program.
The United Way
For more than 75 years, the United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin has monitored and met the pressing social needs of our community through planning, coordination and fundraising. The United Way funds Action Read's Early Start Family Literacy Program, as well as our Adult Program.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / AR Outreach
Action Read Blog
This blog contains learner and volunteer news and writings. If a member has an update that they wish to contribute, please let us know. We'd be happy to post it!
Action Read YouTube Channel
A collection of videos we've uploaded to YouTube. Click "subscribe" to get notices when we post new videos!
Shakespeare Made in Canada
Action Read was involved in a very exciting project with local artist Dawn Matheson. Check it out!
United Way Visit to Action Read
A touching video on how United Way donations are making a difference in the lives of the learners at Action Read.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Covid-19
Government of Canada
Up to date information on the coronavirus outbreak; being prepared; symptoms and treatments and much more.
LBS and Covid-19
Connecting, sharing resources and dealing with the challenges of COVID-19 together.
Preventing Disease Transmission
Red Cross Training, 40 mins long, on how to prevent the spread of infections and disease. Participants can choose between a self-directed course, or one that is taught virtually. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate.
Public Health
Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health site to share information and updates regarding covid-19 in our community.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Driver's Education
Driver’s Licence Practice Tests
This Toronto based website provides free practice test and quizzes for getting your G1 driver's licence, your class A and D truck licence and your M1 motorcycle licence.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Family Literacy Resources
ABC Canada
Excellent tools and resources for early learning and adult literacy.
ACEs Coalition
The ACEs Coalition provides support and resources to build resilience and to reduce the trauma associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences (abuse, neglect and household dysfunction that happen before the age of 18). Their free online training provides an excellent overview of ACEs and their impact, and how communities can work together to build resiliency in children and families.
Early Years Centres
The EarlyON Child and Family Centre at the Guelph Community Health Centre provides child-centred, responsive programs and services for all children aged birth to six and their families.
FLIT (Families Learning & Interacting Together) App
FLIT is a free app produced by the Centre for Family Literacy in Alberta that helps families promotes and encourages a rich and healthy early learning environment. Parents and caregivers will find great tips and activities ranging from reading, recipes, rhymes and games specifically designed to develop strong early literacy skills, and have FUN doing it!
Get Set Learn Family Literacy Training & Certification
The Project READ certification program helps practitioners learn and apply the key components of family literacy in order to increase the literacy skills and wellbeing of the families they support.
How Does Learning Happen?
Introduced by the Ontario Ministry of Education in 2014, this document is based on best practices in early learning and care. The four foundations of high quality early learning and care outlined are: Belonging, Well-being, Expression and Engagement.
Kidsability Speech and Language Therapy
KidsAbility’s Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) work with families virtually and or in-person to build their child’s communication skills. SLPs help children learn to engage, interact and play with their family and friends, to communicate with words, signs, gestures or specialized communication devices. You do not need a doctor's referral to contact KidsAbility.
Saskatchewan Literacy Network
A not-for-profit organization that offers terrific resources and ideas for family literacy.
Video Supporting Early Learning
Fascinating video from Harvard University that explains well what we are working to achieve in our Early Start Family Literacy Program.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Guelph
Guelph Community Health Centre
GCHC provides access to health programs and services and creates opportunities for people to improve their well-being. Program focus on primary care, children, nutrition and fitness. Many Action Read learners access the Wandering Chef and the Garden Fresh Box programs, among others.
Guelph Public Library
From the latest books, audio books, e-readers and movies; to cool resources like the Golden Oak Clear Language Series and Ancestry.Com; to awesome literacy related events; the Guelph Public Library is a go-to community resource for anyone interested in reading, writing and lifelong learning.
Guelph Transit
Provides information on all City of Guelph bus routes, fares, bus passes, news and route changes. Also links to Guelph Mobility services for people with special needs.
Here 247
Here 24/7 is your front door to the addictions, mental health and crisis services provided by 12 agencies across Waterloo – Wellington – Dufferin. They help you figure out your needs and navigate the system. They do the intake, assessment, referral, crisis, waitlist and appointment booking work for local programs. programs.
Empowers children and youth with special needs to realize their full potential.
The City of Guelph
The City of Guelph provides funding to our Family Literacy Program. It also offers numerous other programs and services that contribute to making Guelph a wonderful place to live. The following link connects to the City of Guelph home page.
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
WDG Public Health is a community health service focused on promoting and protecting the health of our community. They offer programs around healthy infant and child development, parenting, sexual and dental health, disease prevention, substance abuse prevention and programming, and communicable and infectious diseases prevention and response.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Housing
Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada
The mission of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) is to inspire, represent and serve our members in a united co operative housing movement.
Dealing with Mould
This resource explains how to deal with mould and presents research on indoor air quality.
Fire Safety Canada
The Canadian Fire Safety Association is a non-profit organization that promotes fire safety through the use of seminars, safety training courses, informative newsletters, scholarships, and regular meetings.
Homelessness and Housing Stability
The County of Wellington is the provincially designated Service Manager for the delivery of homeless prevention programmes in Wellington County and the City of Guelph. The County's role as service manager includes responsibilities such as planning, resource allocation, quality assurance and service provision. It oversees the Rent Bank, the Housing Stability Programme, the Emergency Energy Fund, and the Low Income Energy-Assistance Program.
Housing Services, County of Wellington
As the Service Manager for Guelph-Wellington, the County of Wellington is responsible for the delivery and administration of provincially mandated social and affordable housing programmes, as well as initiatives to prevent and address homelessness.
Legal Aid Clinic of Guelph & Wellington
The Legal Clinic is a great resource. They can help with advice on any questions you have about your eviction situation (e.g. is it legal or not), and on how to prepare and file documents needed in preparation of your Landlord Tenant Board Hearing.
Ontario Government
Official information about housing and renting in Ontario.
Pest Control Canada
Online directory of pest control companies across Canada
Rental Housing Enforcement Unit (RHEU)
Contact the Rental Housing Enforcement Unit if you have been locked out of your rental unit by your landlord. Call: 1-888-772-9277
If you are new to Ontario, this website helps you find answers to common questions about housing, language, legal issues, employment and more.
Steps to Justice – Housing Law
Steps to Justice gives reliable and practical information on common legal problems related to housing and other topics. It provides step-by-step information to help you work through your legal problems; practical tools such as checklists, fillable forms, and self-help guides; and referral information for legal and social services across Ontario.
Tribunals – Landlord & Tenant Board
The Landlord & Tenant Board resolves disputes between residential landlords and tenants.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / Legal Tools
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) provides plain language information and education to help people understand and exercise their legal rights.
Free Living Will Kit
Wills and Living Wills need to be properly and freely completed, witnessed and stored. It is always a good idea to talk to your family, and to get legal advice when doing up your Will and Living Will.
Legal Clinic of Guelph Wellington
Provides free legal advice for the areas of law they practice in to low income people who live in Guelph and Wellington County.
Power of Attorney
In this series, CLEO provides detailed information about Power of Attorney, and how it relates to property and personal care.
Steps to Justice
Provides practical, easy to understand, step-by-step information about legal problems.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Community / News
CBC News
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) provides the latest news from Canada, the world, entertainment, business and more. It is a Canadian crown corporation that serves as the national public radio and television broadcaster.
Guelph Mercury Tribune
The Guelph Mercury publishes a mix of community, national and international news. Owned by Metroland Media, it has been a part of the community since 1854. It is one of the oldest broadsheet newspapers in Ontario.
The Times in Plain English
American based newpaper which sources and rewrites articles from reputable American newspapers in plain English. Written for literacy and English language learners. Not affiliated with The New York Times.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Blended Learning
E-learning FYI
The "wikipedia" of online learning! A curated free database of over 300 learning sites covering a variety of subjects for students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Created by Sophia Joffe, a high school student from Toronto.
Good Learning Anywhere
Free online distance learning for Ontario adult learners who wish to upgrade their reading, writing, math, computer and other Essential Skills. Good Learning Anywhere works with Aboriginal and non Aboriginal communities, organizations and individuals to identify and meet their learning goals in a flexible environment.
Goodwill Learning Foundation
A terrific online resource for so many things! There are well thought out lesson plans, cool activities, beautiful graphics, and much more - all designed with the concerns of adult learners in mind. We highly recommend that tutors and learners take the time to explore this site. Check out the topic lists here.
LinkedIn Learning
Guelph Public Library card holders have FREE access to thousands of courses and instructional videos on topics covering business, technology and creative fields.
The Learning Hub
An Ontario-based free program available to adult learners who want to access a flexible online learning environment. They do not offer High School credit courses. Learners are assigned an online practitioner who will lead and support them with their upgrading.
Guelph Public Library card holders have FREE access to live, one-on-one, online tutoring services for students as young as kindergarten and as advanced as post-secondary education. Live tutoring is open from 12pm to 12am, 7 days a week.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)
CAEC Overview Video
The CAEC credential replaced the GED® in Canada in 2024. It is made up of 5 tests. Watch this video to learn more about how the tests are formatted, written and scored.
CAEC Sample Tests
Vretta creates assessments and learning experiences that support the success of students through feedback and learning strategies.
Ontario CAEC
The TVO Independent Learning Centre (ILC) is the only provider of the CAEC testing program in Ontario.
Outcomes by Subject
This document outlines the knowledge and skills needed to successfully pass each of the 5 CAEC tests.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Citizenship
Canadian Citizenship Practice Test
A fun, interactive and up-to-date study resource for your citizenship test by the Richmond B.C. Public Library.
Citizenship Tests and Moving Guide
This website has free citizenship practice tests as well as a comprehensive guide to obtaining work visas and understanding the process of moving to Canada.
Who Can You Trust?
This video, produced in 2021, helps viewers understand the role of bias in traditional and social media. It explores the concept of 'information hygiene', in order to help viewers become more critically aware media consumers.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Computers
Byte Back Typing Tutorial
Keyboarding is an essential computer skill. This free course teaches touch typing. Lessons, shown on the left, begin by teaching the home row keys and then gradually add additional keys until the entire keyboard is mastered.
CBAL Device & Computer Lessons
This British Columbia project provides clear instruction on how to use twitter, Skype, gmail, Facebook, your ipad, computer and more!
Chromebook Instruction
Learn the basics of using this low-cost alternative to traditional laptops.
E-learning FYI
The "wikipedia" of online learning! A curated free database of over 300 learning sites covering a variety of subjects for students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Created by Sophia Joffe, a high school student from Toronto.
Email Etiquette
As Grammarly says "Email etiquette is the set of social guidelines that govern polite, productive email communication. As with offline etiquette, email etiquette serves to make conversations comfortable, considerate, and professional." Click to learn basic email etiquette.
Guelph Digital Literacy Coalition
Action Read is part of the Guelph Wellington Digital Equity Coalition (GWDEC). This group addresses digital inequity in all its forms, and is making a plan to promote digital equity in Guelph Wellington so that everyone in the community can benefit from technology.
LinkedIn Learning
Guelph Public Library card holders have FREE access to thousands of courses and instructional videos on topics covering business, technology and creative fields.
Mouse Tutorials
Teaches you how to hold and use the mouse, including rollover, double clicking and drag and drop functions.
Exercises to help you get used to the mouse. An older website, but still relevant!
Northstar Digital Literacy Project
The Northstar Digital Literacy Project uses self-guided assessments to identify the basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online in ten main areas: Basic Computer Use, Internet, Windows Operating System, Mac OS, Email, Microsoft Word, Social Media, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Information Literacy
Typing Club
Learn typing for free!
Typing Tutorials
Learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. Learn to practice typing using various types of tutorials and keyboard layouts. Free typing lessons for beginners and advanced.
Web Quests
Our friends at the Literacy Group in Kitchener (TLG) have compiled a fun list of "web quests" - activities to help you find out more about a particular topic. Print off the questions in the PDFs, and search the web for the answers. TLG will add new web quests from time to time, so check back!
Who Can You Trust?
This video, produced in 2021, helps viewers understand the role of bias in traditional and social media. It explores the concept of 'information hygiene', in order to help viewers become more critically aware media consumers.
Zoom Training
The manuals provide information on how to use Zoom, and highlight features that practitioners find particularly useful. You will find step-by-step instructions and practitioner tips.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Employment
Apprenticeship Tools and Resources
A thorough and accessible resource by Literacy Link South Central which provides access to a wide range of tools, links, government information and resources regarding apprenticeship.
Canada Job Bank
Canada's publicly funded, Web-based network of job postings.
Essential Skill Workbooks
Literacy Link South Central created these resources for people who want to strengthen their Essential Skills while they look for a job. These workbooks were designed to be used in a facilitated group setting but can be used effectively on their own. The topics reflect the steps people take when looking for a job.
Health and Safety at Work
This a general health and safety awareness program developed by the Ministry of Labour for Ontario's workforce. It provides a basic overview of such topics as the duties of employers and workers, protecting yourself from hazardous materials, getting involved in health and safety committees and where to look for further information.
Literacy and Essential Skills
Literacy and essential Skills are needed for work, learning and life. This site provides many job descriptions, and lists the skills you will need for success in those jobs. It will also give tutors some strategies for including real world examples in lessons.
Maker Modules
This is a link to an overview of Literacy Link South Central's free Maker Modules, which offer hands-on, fun activities to engages learners at any digital technology skill level. Links to each module is provided.
Working in Manufacturing
Literacy workbook for individuals considering work in manufacturing. Check out all the workbooks in the Working in Manufacturing series (food processing, apprenticeship, essential skills etc).
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Financial Literacy
ABC Canada’s Money Matters
Money Matters is a free financial literacy and education savings program for adult learners developed by ABC Life Literacy Canada.
Credit Canada Debt Solutions
Offers resources to help you manage your debt and improve your credit
Credit Counselling Canada
Credit Counselling Canada is the national association of not-for-profit credit counselling agencies that work provincially, regionally and locally throughout Canada. Only not-for-profit or charitable organizations are accepted as association members by their volunteer Board of Directors.
Free Living Will Kit
Wills and Living Wills need to be properly and freely completed, witnessed and stored. It is always a good idea to talk to your family, and to get legal advice when doing up your Will and Living Will.
Living Better on Less
A local project that aims to provide the support and skills, including cooking, to live well. The website contains healthy, inexpensive recipes will help individuals build greater self-reliance, self-confidence and self-worth.
Special Needs Planning
This website provides an overview of various special needs planning issues.
The Ultimate Budgeting Hack
Courtesy of Saturday Night Live.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Math
* BBC Math for Adults
An collection of resources designed to improve your math skills. Includes sections on numbers, calculation, percent and fractions, measuring, shapes and graphs.
* Goodwill Learning Foundation Math
Need help with basic addition? Looking to expand your knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percents? Want to learn algebra? Use their interactive lessons to learn them all, then test your knowledge. Content is adult focused.
Customizable online or printer-friendly worksheets, flash cards and games for basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
Eqivalent Fractions BINGO
A fun educational game to practice equivalent fractions with two modes: Easy & Challenge.
Fact Monster Math Flashcards
Practice your math facts with these flashcards. Find addition, subtraction, multiplication and division flashcards, from basic math facts to 3-digit problem
Fun Brain
A fun site, with cartoonish math and reading games. Check out the "Math Arcade", math baseball, and the "Reading" section which contains Mad Libs. Although the site's audience is kids, many of the activities can be applied to an adult context.
Instructional Archive
"Quintessential Instructional Archive". There are over 1200 math activities on this website! Simple design and 16 different types of interactive online activities give a good framework for learning much more than just math. Screen the activities before using them with a learner; the levels vary wildly. The "advanced search" feature is useful.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a trusted source, used by both students and teachers. Contains free quality practice and lessons on math, English, science and more.
Math Drills
Includes over 50 thousand free math worksheets. Their PDF math worksheets are available on a broad range of topics including number sense, arithmetic, pre-algebra, geometry, measurement, money concepts and much more. There are some interactive math features including the Sudoku and Dots math games, and more!
Math is Fun
They offer mathematics in an enjoyable and easy-to-learn manner. They truly believe that mathematics is fun. See if you agree!
Multiplication Games
Interactive games to make math learning more engaging.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
The objective is to give concrete examples of common math concepts. The grid connects concepts to the grade level according to the American public school curriculum which closely mirrors the Canadian. These are not exactly games but can feel pretty fun as they visually represent concepts.
Resources and exercises to learn how to tell time using digital and analog clocks.
Web Math Minute
This website helps you print math sheets to practice math. Fun and fast math practice!
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Math Club
Count & Rhyme
Songs, rhymes and memory tricks to help you remember your times tables.
Division Using Place Value
One of many great learning videos from the Khan Academy.
Goodwill Math Video Series
Clear and concise overview of how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and use fractions, decimals, and percents.
How to Build a Multiplication Table
Shows how to create a tool to help you memorize your multiplication facts.
Math History. Who knew?
Animated short doc about the development of numbers throughout history.
Multiplication Made Easy
This video gives useful strategies to individuals who have not yet mastered their multiplication facts with speed.
Place Value Song
Catchy song by Numberrock. For the kid in all of us!
Roll it! Rounding Game
Math Club April 12, 2019
Another helpful Khan Academy video showing how to round to nearest 10.
Rounding Game
Math Club April 12, 2019
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Reading & Writing
BBC Skillwise English
A collection of resources designed to improve your English, including sections on reading, writing, spelling, word grammar, sentence grammar and speaking and listening.
Comprehensive online English language resource. Additional tools such as 'word of the day', videos and language games make it interactive and fun.
English Maven
Provides free skills-building English lessons and exercises, geared towards a range of ability levels...grade school to General Educational Development (GED).
Etymology Dictionary
Etymology can be a powerful tool in dyslexia reading programs. This website provides fascinating explanations of the origins of English words.
Grammar Bytes!
"Grammar Instruction with Attitude!" Interactive grammar exercises and printable worksheets to brush up your English grammar. Learn about fragments, irregular verbs, parallel structure, misplaced and dangling modifiers, apostrophes and pronouns, all delivered in an engaging visual format.
From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly is a widely used tool that helps you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
Guelph Public Library
From the latest books, audio books, e-readers and movies; to cool resources like the Golden Oak Clear Language Series and Ancestry.Com; to awesome literacy related events; the Guelph Public Library is a go-to community resource for anyone interested in reading, writing and lifelong learning.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a trusted source, used by both students and teachers. Contains free quality practice and lessons on math, English, science and more.
Latin Dictionary
Latdict is a "powerful dictionary tool to aid those wishing to lookup Latin words or their English equivalents." This is helpful as some dyslexia learning programs emphasize on teaching vocabulary and how to recognize Latin roots, which may help with extracting meaning in reading.
LibriVox makes public domain books available for free, in audio format on the internet. It is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project, powered by volunteers. Listening to books and stories can be a powerful tool in improving literacy skills, so check it out!
Perfect English Grammar
Clear explanations and examples on a variety of English grammar issues such as prepositions, verb tenses, adjectives and more . This site contains free and paid content.
Simple English Wikipedia
In this series of Wikipedia articles, the language is simple, but the ideas don't have to be.
Word Matrix Maker
This website has information on how English words are built up and interactive web-tools to try out. It is helpful for anyone who is using morphology to help them understand the English writing system, especially in how words represent meaning and how they are put together.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Science & Discovery
How Stuff Works
HowStuffWorks is an award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works.
National Geographic
One of the oldest and most reputable sources of research, stories and images about nature, animals and human cultures the world over.
Spot the Difference
Spot the difference between photos, drawings, sets of dominos, and more.
The Canadian Encyclopedia
Great source of information for Canadian "people, places and things". Includes topics covered in the Ontario educational curriculum. Also includes a large and growing section which explores the depth, breadth, diversity, and regional variation of experiences of Indigenous peoples.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Learners / Spelling
Comprehensive online English language resource. Additional tools such as 'word of the day', videos and language games make it interactive and fun.
Etymology Dictionary
Etymology can be a powerful tool in dyslexia reading programs. This website provides fascinating explanations of the origins of English words.
Latin Dictionary
Latdict is a "powerful dictionary tool to aid those wishing to lookup Latin words or their English equivalents." This is helpful as some dyslexia learning programs emphasize on teaching vocabulary and how to recognize Latin roots, which may help with extracting meaning in reading.
Learning to Spell for Adults
Outlines common issues and concerns for adults working on their spelling, and provides tips and strategies for improvement.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Volunteers / 'For the Love of Words'
Guelph Spoken Word
GSP's mission is 'to create an open, intergenerational community that fosters spoken word artists to express themselves and create a career for their art.' Spoken word is a 'mash-up' of poetry, theatre, wordplay and storytelling. Our local group has done an exceptional job at promoting the art form. Check them out live!
International Scrabble Club
The ISC is the best place on the Internet to play Scrabble in a relaxed friendly environment. You can compete at your own level while meeting new people. Old style website to be sure, but for serious scrabble players, it's a go-to resource.
Lexicon Valley
If you’ve ever wondered why we speak, read, and write the way, Lexicon Valley is the podcast for you. Hosted by linguist John McWhorter. Geeky good fun for all us language freaks!
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Volunteers / Adapt Tech & Accessibility
Accessibility Features
Good Learning Anywhere explains how to activate built-in accessibility features on your computer and mobile device such as text-to-speech, high-contrast themes, enlarged cursors, closed-captioning and features for limited-mobility computer users such as keyboard shortcuts and sticky keys.
American Sign Language Browser
This ASL instruction site is organized alphabetically, like a dictionary.
American Sign Language University
ASL University is an online curriculum resource for American Sign Language students, instructors and interpreters. Feel free to use the various lessons and resources for self-study at no cost.
Chrome Vox
ChromeVox is a screen reader created by Google that allows users to browse the Internet with the aid of synthesized speech played through their speakers or headphones. It is available as an extension for Google Chrome on both Windows and macOS. This video tells how to use it.
Compendium of Assistive Technologies
In 2018 Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Network updated their list of assistive technologies to help people with learning and other challenges that may affect their learning. Since the initial publication, some assistive technology has become very mainstream. Many of the items are free or low in cost, but more costly options are also included.
Mind Maps
Mind maps are visual representations of complex arguments or projects, which you can edit and move around. There are many free mind map tools available online such as Dia, Coggle, Mind 42, Novamind and others. Each have their pros and cons. FreeMind is simple and flexible.
Speech to Text
With this free online tool you can speak into your computer, and the tool types out what you saying. The finished words can be edited with a keyboard and then printed, or copied and elsewhere.
Text to Speech
Natural Reader is a professional text to speech program that converts any written text into spoken words. We've tried the free version and it's fine. We can only assume that the paid version has even more features. Check it out!
Toyota Celebrates Exceptional Athletes
Check out Toyota's inspiring "Start Your Impossible" campaign. Toyota highlights stories of Olympic and Paralympic athletes who overcome barriers to achieve their dreams through humility, hard work and tenacity. These are the values to which Action Read learners also demonstrate every day. Action Read greatly appreciates Toyota's commitment to literacy, as well as to promoting the achievements of these incredible athletes.
Web Accessibility Initiative
Outlines strategies, standards, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities.
Web Aim
Offers training, strategy and technical assistance on improving web accessibility
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Volunteers / Adult Education
Adult Education Research Database
A national database on adult education and the status of women.
AlphaPlus has been providing information, research, and print and electronic resources to the Adult Literacy field in Ontario since 1998.
Goodwill Learning Foundation
Staff highly recommend that tutors and learners take the time to explore this site. It's a terrific online resource for so many things! There are well thought out lesson plans, cool activities, beautiful graphics, and much more - all designed with the concerns of adult learners in mind.
Language & Literacy Journal
Peer-reviewed bi-yearly journal of the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC) of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education. The journal's research focus is on issues related to the nature, function and use of language and literacy in both formal and informal educational contexts and across the lifespan.
Literacy Basics
Site contains hands-on information around instructional strategies, assessment strategies and much more.
Literacy Enquirer
A thought-provoking blog by people who have an interest in adult literacy research.
Literacy Resources and Discussion Forum
Community Literacy of Ontario and Laubach Literacy Ontario have created this Literacy Resources and Discussion Forum. It contains learning resources sorted into various categories that are relevant to learners (e.g. employment, further education and training, independence etc). A brand new annotated Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework resource library has been added in January 2021.
New York Times Teaching Resources
Publishes over 1,000 teaching resources each school year, all based on using Times content — articles, essays, images, videos, graphics and podcasts. Most of their resources are free (though limited to five lesson plans per month for nonsubscribers). The intended audience is middle, high school and college teachers and students (teenagers 13 and up).
Seeds of Literacy Recorded Lessons
Cleveland's Seeds of Literacy organization offers dynamic video-based lessons on a wide range of topics. These lessons were created and conducted by their tutors during live tutoring sessions. Check back as they are adding more lessons all the time. Pretty cool!
Working in Adult Literacy
A thought-provoking blog by veteran literacy worker Kate Nonesuch, for teachers of adult literacy, numeracy, adult basic education, GED prep and adult ESOL.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Volunteers / Board Information
Board Governance Resource Guide
Community Literacy of Ontario has created this resource guide "to help organizations further develop and strengthen their board governance practices". Topics include board roles and responsibilities, governance structures, the board and risk management, board development, effective board meetings and evaluation.
Not for Profit Handbook
The purpose of this Ontario government handbook is to provide general information on the nature of a not-for-profit corporation. It also provides basic information on incorporating charitable corporations, which are a special type of not-for-profit corporation. Published in May 2018.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Volunteers / Learning Disabilities
Accommodations Comic
Clear visual case for why accommodations are important.
Learning and Violence
Important, transformative and research-based website which looks at the impact of violence on learning. Jenny Horsman is a very respected Canadian literacy practitioner with years of experience. Site is filled with insight and practical tools.
Learning Disabilities Ted Talk
Olympian Scott Sonnon courageously shares his childhood experience with learning, how violence affected his ability to learn and how finding his kinesthetic learning style transformed his life.
Learning Strengths Self-Assessment
A fun and easy tool to help you discover your strengths and interests.
The Brain from Top to Bottom
This site explores brain science topics from a social, psychological, neurological, cellular and molecular perspective. You can look at each topic from a beginner, intermediate and advanced level. The site is a little old, but the information is still relevant.
Trauma and Learning
Clear explanation of how trauma affects brain functioning and learning.
These are the Learning Links grouped under: Volunteers / Volunteer Training
Accessibility Training
In order to be AODA compliant, Action Read asks volunteers and staff to take accessibility training. Please complete Module 1 (Customer Service Standards) and Module 2 (General Requirements). Please give your certificates of completion to any Action Read staff member.
ACEs & Resiliency Training
Free, self-directed training intended for educators, volunteers working with children and adults, and anyone wanting to develop a better understanding of the relationship between early life experiences and long-term health. Certificate of recognition given upon completion.
CESBA Literacy Training Resources
The Ontario Association of Adult and Continuing Education School Board Administrators (CESBA) offers these free literacy training modules.
Handwriting, Typing and Spelling
Their importance in learning to read.
Literacy Basics
A Community Literacy of Ontario project containing a wide range of accessible literacy resources for volunteers and staff who are new to literacy and adult education.
Make the Month
A valuable interactive activity that helps people understand the difficult day to day decisions faced by individuals living in poverty.
Preventing Disease Transmission
Red Cross Training, 40 mins long, on how to prevent the spread of infections and disease. Participants can choose between a self-directed course, or one that is taught virtually. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate.
Research on Handwriting
New evidence shows handwriting aids the reading acquisition process.
Self-Directed Literacy Tutor Course
Self-directed learning course for new adult literacy tutors by the Virginia Literacy Foundation. Learning units include (1) the adult learner (2) teaching reading to adults (3) teaching writing to adults (4) tools for tutors. While not everything will apply to Action Read or to the Canadian context, it is still an interesting resource with lots of relevant information.
Testimonial Video
Father and volunteer hockey coach Tony Silveira, speaks about his challenges with reading and writing. Silveira shares his journey to becoming more functional in his day-to-day life, attributing his success to persistence, hard work, and a dedicated volunteer tutor .
The Importance of Handwriting in Learning to Read
Hand-writing letters more effectively teaches reading than typing.
The Orton-Gillingham Classroom
Brenda Childs, certified Orton-Gillingham educator, demonstrates OG priniciples in the classroom.