Garlic Press
Garlic Press is Action Read’s publishing name. It stands for ‘Guelph Action Read Learners In the Community’. It was created in the early 1990’s to allow the voice of the people who use our programs to be heard, as well as to produce literacy practitioner resources. Garlic Press also raises valuable funds for Action Read’s literacy programs.
Over the years Garlic Press has published 10 books and 1 short film covering a variety of topics such as goal setting, healthy communication, conflict resolution, volunteering to build skills, learner autobiographical writing, aging, women’s issues, and poetry.
As a literacy organization, it is important that Action Read provides learners the opportunity to develop and publish their work. Garlic Press, the Action Read Blog, learner newsletters, community anthologies and advocacy letters around issues are some of the ways learner’s stories and opinions are published with the support of Action Read.
Garlic Press Publications:
For information on books or how to place an order, please call 519-836-2759.
Learning in Peace (2006) by Jenny Rizk and Anne Moore
This hands-on book suggests ways to design literacy programs so that conflict & violence are minimized or turned into learning opportunities.
Making it Work: A workbook on conflict and communication for adult literacy learners (2006) by Anne Moore
‘Making it Work’ begins with the notion that good communication skills are key to managing and resolving conflict in our lives, both at home and at work. The workbook invites adult to reflect on active listening, body language, assertiveness, managing anger, diversity, human rights issues and conflict resolution.
A Dream That Walks II: Planning for Change (2005) by Anne Moore
This hands-on workbook provides in-depth advise, guidance and opportunities for reflection on goal setting and planning related to learner’s lives.
Learning Tools that Work: A Survey of Adaptive Technology in Learning Programs (2005) by Jennifer Hunt
This manual researches and reviews a range of adaptive software and tools that help adults overcome learning barriers. Advice offered on how to use and integrate adaptive software into programs continues to be relevant.
Claiming our Place (2000) by Jan Sherman
This 166-page workbook takes women step-by-step through the process of building self esteem, improving skills, becoming aware of their human rights and getting involved in the community through volunteer work.
A Dream That Walks – A Goal-Setting Workbook (2000) by Myrna Hanna
A Dream that Walks Workbook is a 56-page book that takes learners step-by-step through the process of setting their own life goals. It goes from “My Life and Dreams” through “Knowing Myself” to setting a goal and making a goal plan. With over 2000 copies sold, A Dream that Walks is a best seller in the adult literacy field.
A Dream That Walks A Goal – DVD (2000) by Myrna Hanna
A Dream that Walks Goal Setting Stories is a 32-minute video where learners talk about their own goals.
Growing Bolder by Anne Moore
Anne Moore and the Women’s group of Action Read created this Workbook containing fun exercises on Growing Older and Herstory for Women in Literacy Programs.
Steet Mother by Shirley Almack
A deeply inspiring and hopeful autobiography by an Action Read learner who faced many difficulties including abuse in an institutional setting.
A Mixed Bag, Action Read Learners
A collection of personal stories and poetry, from playful and humourous, to reflective and candid, by Action Read learners.
Treasure Chest, Action Read Learners
Action Read’s very first official publication! A collection of stories, written, organized and selected largely by learners.